Jump In!
Here are the big ministries going on right now. (You can use the form below to let us know what areas interest you!)
You can jump in on ministries that provide breakfast to Parkview High School kids on Wednesday mornings, or providing a small meal for kids, youth, and sponsors on Wednesday nights, or be available to help out for special events and outreaches.
Meal Ministry
You can jump in and help with our food pantry ministry on Mondays 9am-12noon.
Food Pantry
Welcome Team
The welcome team greets and welcomes people to church on Sunday mornings.
Let us know if you are interested in teaching a class, giving a communion meditation or testimony, starting a small group, and more!
Teaching & Speaking
Children’s ministry welcomes volunteers and sponsors for our ministries on Sunday mornings (Bible Academy, Kids Church), and our Kids4Him! Program on Wednesday night, plus summer events such as church camp and VBS!
Children’s Ministry
Jump in to help as a sponsor and leader with our youth ministry which meets on Wednesday nights at 6pm, and includes several outside activities and outreaches.
Youth Ministry
If you are interested in sharing musical or singing talents, or if you are interested in the technical aspects of worship and the sound & lighting team, let us know!
Praise & Worship
Jump in to help with the building and grounds, various construction projects, decorating and setting up for events, and many other ministries that are needed at various times.